Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 5, 2013

Noni Cancer Research

Anti Cancer Activity

Anti Cancer Activity of Morinda Citrifolia on Intraperitoneally Implanted Lewis Lung Carcinoma in Syngenic Mice A. Hirazumi, E. Furusawa, S.C. Chou & Y. Hokama Proc. West. Pharmacol. Soc. 37: 145-146 (1994).
This is a significant study by a team of researchers from the University of Hawaii led by Annie Hirazumi. Ms. Hirazumi became interested in the healing properties of Noni after two prior experiences. Her father once gave Noni juice to a sick friend; and later, she administered Noni juice to a pet dog who was dying. The dog miraculously recovered, and Ms Hirazumi became determined to learn more about this incredible fruit.
The study was conducted on live laboratory mice (type C57BL/6) specifically identified as being acutely receptive to Lewis Lung Carcinoma (LLC) cells. The mice were injected with active cancer cells (LLC). Untreated, the mice died 9-12 days after injection due to advanced tumor growth. A second group of infected mice was treated with Noni juice in five separate daily treatments. This group demonstrated a significantly increased life span, from 105--123%, with 9 of 22 mice surviving more than 50 days. For verification purposes, the experiment was repeated with similar results. The research team concluded that Noni juice acts as an anti-cancer agent by indirectly enhancing the cancer host's immune system of macrophages and/or lymphocytes.

Induction of Normal Phenotypes in RAS transformed cells by Damnacanthal from Morinda Citrifolia.

T. Hiramatsu, M. Imoto, T Koyano, K. Umezawa Cancer Letters 73 (1993) 161

In this study, a team of Japanese researchers studied the effect of more than 500 extracts of tropical plants on K-ras NRK cells (a precursor to certain types of cancer). One particular compound, damnacanthal, found in Morinda Citrifolia (the scientific name for Noni), was shown to be an inhibitor of Ras function. During the course of the research Ras cells were seeded into 96 plates and incubated at 33 degrees centigrade for 24 hours. Noni plant extract was added and the cell morphology was examined every day for five days.
The Ras function was inhibited by the injected plant extract. This same compound has been found to inhibit the Epstein-Barr virus early-antigen activation. The extract from the Morinda Citrifolia was found to be most effective in inhibiting Ras function among the 500 tested extracts

Metastatic Prostate Cancer

This is from Steven M. Hall, M.D. who on January 7, 1997 reported the following results: "A 75 y/o male with metastatic prostate cancer, most recent PSA of 55, I added ... Noni to his conventional treatment regimen and within 2 weeks, his PSA was 1.1."2 (emphasis added) There is simply nothing else I am aware of that could possibly reduce Prostatic Specific Antigen from 55 (indicating uncontrolled cancer) to a normal 1.1, and DO IT IN JUST 2 WEEKS.

Phytochemicals Reverse Cancer

The power of phytochemicals to promote good health and control cancer is so impressive that the University of Illinois has created a whole new department with 63 scientists and professors to specialize in phytochemical research! Let me share with you some of the scientific findings leading to this major change in research.
Senior Science Advisor to the U.S. Public Health Service, Dr. D.L. Davis states, "Phytochemicals can take tumors and defuse them. They can turn off the proliferative process of cancer." At Ohio State University's Cancer Prevention Laboratory, Dr. Mark Morse and colleagues found that phytochemicals in broccoli known as sulforaphane could reduce esophegeal tumor incidence by as much as 40% and reduce the multiplication of such cancer cells by 90%. Dr. Paul Taladay working at John Hopkins Medical Institute has found that this same phytochemical protected animals from getting cancer even when exposed to cancer causing chemicals. According to Dr. Joseph Hotchkiss of Cornell University, the phytochemicals coumaric acid and chlorogenic acid are able to eliminate many cancer causing substances from the body. An epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota, Dr. John Potter, told Newsweek Magazine, "At almost every step along the pathway to cancer, phytochemicals slow up or reverse the process." Most of these phytochemicals studied so far are found in ordinary vegetables and culinary herbs. The problem is that the amount in these foods is so low that only if you eat a lot of them for a long time will they give you protection. If you already have cancer, what you need is a plant that has these phytochemicals in large enough amounts to go right to work.

Noni Is A Treasure Chest Of Phytochemicals

When plant scientists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture studied the amazing Noni plant they quickly found the secret to its amazing health building power. It is endowed with a greater number and variety of health giving phytochemicals than just about any plant known. Dr. James A. Duke is one of the world's most highly respected scientific authorities on herbs and their phytochemical content. In his authoritative CRC Handbook on Phytochemicals he has listed 23 different phytochemicals found in Noni as well as 5 vitamins and 3 minerals. Research on Noni continues at an ever increasing pace with more of its phytochemicals being uncovered all the time.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, as well as the Department of Agriculture maintain a list of plants that have no known harmful ingredients and which over the test of time with large numbers of people have proven themselves to be safe for human consumption by the general population. This is known as the GRAS list, and it stands for Generally Recognized As Safe.5 Based on the fact that after careful scientific analysis no harmful ingredients were found, and that the Hawaiian and Polynesian people have been using this health building herb without harm for thousands of years, NONI HAS BEEN OFFICIALLY DESIGNATED AS GENERALLY RECOGNIZED AS SAFE.

How Noni Helps The Body Fight Off Cancer!

Researchers at the University of Hawaii School of Medicine introduced cells containing a strain of lung cancer known as Lewis Lung Carcinoma into a group of mice especially bred to be highly susceptible to this type of cancer. Within 9 to 12 days the mice which were given no Noni were all dead as a result of the growth of the tumor. However, another group of these same mice were given an extract of the Noni fruit on five different occasions. At the end of the 12 days when all the untreated mice were dead, those given the Noni were still alive and doing well! At the end of 24 days, the Noni treated mice were all still going strong, this was a 100% extension of life! Actually, 40% which is 9 out of the 22 mice given the Noni, survived for more than 50 days. This is a lifespan more than 4 times greater than the longest living mouse not receiving the Noni. This an incredible achievement! Now remember, these were not just any mice, these mice were specifically bred to succumb to this form of cancer. In this regard, they were "genetically doomed" to be cancer victims. Yet in spite of this, a simple Noni extract gave these mice as much as 4 times the life span of their untreated relatives.

Analgesic and Behavioral Effects of Morinda Citrifolia

C. Younos, A. Rolland, J. Fleurentin, M. Lanhers, R. Misslin, F. Mortier Planta Medica 56 (1990) 430-434
In this study, the team lead by French scientist Chafique Younos, tested the analgesic and sedative effects of extracts from the Morinda Citrifolia plant. They were aware of the traditional use of the plant as a general analgesic, and set out to determine if those claims were valid. The extract was shown to be non-toxic and did "show a significant, dose-related, central analgesic activity in the treated mice." This study included various experiments on the treated mice to determine the analgesic effect, if any, from the plant extracts of the Morinda Citrifolia (Noni). The conclusion of these researchers was that the extract did in fact demonstrate analgesic effects consistently in each experiment. The conclusion of this study included a simple statement from the authors: "These findings validate the traditional analgesic properties of this plant " The above represent only a sample of the research completed on the Morinda Citrifolia plant. The results are conclusive in each case in showing the validity of the traditional use of the Noni.

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